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Online Giving

If you are looking for ways to help us maintain and expand our services and ministries, we ask you to consider making a financial contribution - no gift is too small, as every penny is incredibly appreciated! This can easily be done through our online giving platform, which allows you to donate anytime, from anywhere, and ensure that your gift is received safely and securely. Thank you for your support, as we look forward to continuing to serve our parish community together!

Saint Joseph Catholic Church

Saint Joseph Catholic Church

514 24th Street, Ogden, Utah 84401
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©2024 Saint Joseph Catholic Church

Parish Offices:
2350 Adams Avenue Ogden, Utah 84401

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM &
2:00PM - 4:30 PM
Contact Us:
Phone: 801-399-5627

Saint Joseph Catholic Church
is proud to be a parish located within the 
Diocese of Salt Lake City

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